Are you a parent of a child or teenager with ADHD?
These programs give you confidence to understand and meet your kid's needs.
how would it feel to...

Feel at peace with an understanding of your child that brings empathy and compassion and has you feeling calm as a parent?

Imagine feeling confident that you know what specific needs your child requires to be happy.

Imagine knowing how to provide these tools now and problem solve it in the future.
My mission is to empower every parent to meet their child’s needs.
I’m a registered psychologist with twenty years of experience working with differently developing children and their families.
Hi Parents
I'm Leanne Tran
Child Psychologist for parents of kids who don’t fit the mould.
My story began when I was in high school and wanted to be a teacher, before switching to study psychology. I realised that I wanted to teach to make lives better, and found my place learning about people, families and children - and helping people gain the knowledge and skills they need to improve their day to day. It's been 20 years that I've been working with children and families, while raising one of my own.
That's almost 20 years helping families:
- understand what their kid needs that's different to other kids
- know which things are important and which things parents can let go
- teach kids skills like managing emotions, problem solve, and get along with others
- reflect on what's important and focus on the big picture to take the stress out of the day-to-day
Then in 2020 the world fell apart, and people needed support more than ever. I've switched to Telehealth, and created a team to try to help an ever-growing number.
Today, I'm doing things differently. My clients get access to all the psychology education that would usually be offered in the first weeks of intervention - so you can start to change things at home on your own, feeling confident and enjoying family life again.
Supporting Your ADHD Primary Schooler / Teen and you.
Do you have a lot of frustration at home? Parental frustration, AND child frustration? Do you have trouble knowing what behaviours are due to your child’s difficulties, and what’s typical boundary pushing?
Supporting Your ADHD Teen
Supporting Your ADHD Primary Schooler
helps parents shift their perspective and implement evidence based strategies to make the home more calm.
As a parent are you dealing with meltdown after meltdown? Do you find that rewards work initially then stop, or never work at all? Do you find yourself constantly addressing the same behaviours? You’re not alone, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Supporting Your ADHD Teen
Supporting Your ADHD Primary Schooler
can help you take a proactive approach so that meltdowns occur less frequently, and together we develop a plan for what to do when things go pear shaped so that it’s easier to manage.
Parenting can be overwhelming and with so much information available it’s hard to get started. And sometimes the information is contradictory and that makes it worse.
Supporting Your ADHD Teen
Supporting Your ADHD Primary Schooler
takes the common theories and approaches into account and filter it through my experience to pass on the basics of what you need to know, so you're reassured.

- 6 weeks of education about ADHD and how to parent it
- Practical strategies
- Parent reflection workbook
- Practical tools to download and use
- 6 x weekly Q&A calls
Here’s how the program breaks down...
Supporting Your ADHD Primary Schooler
Module 1: Understanding the ADBD Brain
Regulating attention
Self awareness
Regulating emotions
- The STOP system
- Executive Functioning
Module 2: Woking WItH your child's brain
Learn how to reduce memory load
How to reduce the 'noise' interfering with attention
Time strategies that work
Understand how you can promote strengths
- Learn how to build your child's skills
Module 3: A calm and organised home
Learn how to reduce the mess!
Using organisation to your advantage
Learn how to effectively use visual information
Get your kids to listen and connect with you
How to harness the power of rewards
Module 4: Minimising the blowups
How prevention is better than consequences
How to respond so kids calm down
Using mindfulness to relax and also teach kids to manage emotions
- Understanding day to day differences
Responding in a way to calm situations down
Module 5: Building Resilience
Understand why and how to shift from nagging to encouraging
Know how and why to create life balance
Learn how to build resilience in your child
Module 6: Advocating for School Support
Learn what types of support are available at school
Undertand the impact of ADHD at school
Learn why collaboration is important, and how to make it happen
- Plan how to advocate for your child
Learn how to encourage your child to use support available
Supporting Your ADHD Teen
Module 1: Understanding the ADBD Brain
Regulating attention
Self awareness
Regulating emotions
- The STOP system
- Executive Functioning
Module 2: Woking WItH your child's brain
Learn how to reduce memory load
How to reduce the 'noise' interfering with attention
Time strategies that work
Understand how you can promote strengths
- Learn how to build your child's skills
Module 3: A calm and organised home
Learn how to reduce the mess!
Using organisation to your advantage
Learn how to effectively use visual information
Get your kids to listen and connect with you
How to harness the power of rewards
Module 4: Minimising the blowups
How prevention is better than consequences
How to respond so kids calm down
Using mindfulness to relax and also teach kids to manage emotions
- Understanding day to day differences
Responding in a way to calm situations down
Module 5: Partnering WITH your teenager
Understand why and how to shift from parent to coach
Know how and why to build the relationship
Learn how to problem solve together
Module 6: Advocating for School Support
Learn what types of support are available at school
Undertand the impact of ADHD at school
Learn why collaboration is important, and how to make it happen
- Plan WITH your teen the supports they need
Learn how to take a back seat and let your teen take the lead with effective advocacy

But right now, you get everything for
ONLY $297
Is this for me?
This is for:
- parents who want to learn how to support their kids at home
- parents who want to up skill while on a waitlist to see a psychologist
- parents whose children were recently diagnosed with ADHD
- parents who feel like they've run out of strategies and need more for the toolkit.
This is not for:
- children themselves
- parents who want very specific individualised advice about their child
- parents who are going through big changes like separations or moving house
- parents who don't have 20 minutes a day to focus on implementing new strategies
Pick your payment option

Supporting Your ADHD Teen is designed to leave you feeling at peace with an understanding of your child that brings empathy and compassion, and feeling calm as a parent. Confident that you know what your child needs, and that you know how to provide this now and problem solve it in the future.